Why BOFAnodes?

Why have one when you could have BOFA them!

99.9% Uptime Guaranteed

10+ Tier 1 Network Providers to give you reliability and affordability. Have the best of BOFA Worlds!

Offsite Backups

Our servers include our built-in backup utility that allows you to restore your entire server.

Enterprise Hardware

Ryzen and Intel Processors, RAID 10 configuration, NvMe SSD Drives, Enterprise RAM (ECC).

Instant Setup

Enjoy instant setup for most of our services, get going immediately after paying.

Game Servers

We currently offer 12 Game Servers, which you can manage on our custom Game Panel

Support 24/7

Our professional staff will answer your questions and help you through the process.

Global Availability

No matter where you are we have you covered.

State of the Art Game Panel

A cutting edge, featue rich custom version of Pterodactyl Panel

Comprehensive Wiki

Our Wiki is great for anything you make need help with.

Most popular games

Our game server hosting lineup is comprised of the most popular games.

Our Virtual Private Servers

Get access to a remote desktop of your server with the operating system of your choice. This way, you can install anything you want on your server.

We offer fully managed, cloud-based virtual private server (VPS) hosting solutions for reliability and powerful root access.

Linux Server Windows Server (soon)

Location Matters!

Established a widespread network which is 20 cities strong.

Powered by WHMCompleteSolution

Ready to Get Started?

The servers are booted, select your plan and become our latest satisfied client.